Sermons by Elder Arthur Harris (Page 6)

Sermons by Elder Arthur Harris (Page 6)

The Supremacy of Christ

Colossians 1:15-18 Elder Arthur Harris ministers about the supremacy of our LORD Jesus Christ. WIthout Christ we are separated from GodChrist brings reconciliation and we can be holy and blameless beyond reproach. It is our faith, our belief, and our trust in the LORD Jesus that will sustain our walk and faith.

Family Matters

Colossians 3:18-25 Elder Arthur Harris teaches about how we as a family in the Body of Christ should handle ourselves and respond to things.

The Mystery of Christ

Colossians 26:27 Elder Arthur Harris ministers about encouraging people new in the faith. It is God’s love for mankind that compelled Him to extend his care for us to give us an eternal hope to be redeemed from the fall of man in the garden of Eden.

Jesus Said, “I am Willing”

Matthew 8:2-3 Elder Arthur Harris leads a bible study on the attributes of Jesus and his willingness to help us in the time of need. Elder ministers that God is on our side and that He is more than the world against us. We don’t have to be afraid of anything.