Ministry of The Word (Page 68)

Ministry of The Word (Page 68)

Woman, Who Art Thou?

Ephesians 1:3-14 Evangelist Colston ministers a Mother’s Day message giving a word of encouragement and hope to rest and reset to God’s purpose. God is looking for fruit and that we should be yielding to His will. Make your calling and election sure. Now is NOT the time to be half-stepping. This is the time that God is allowing the church to reset our true identity and to God’s purpose.

Stand Firm

Phillipians 4:1-3 Sis. Patsy Breazeale ministers about how we should all do our best to get along and to show love towards one another regardless of what happens. She explains how the Apostle Paul wrote a letter to admonish the church to get it together. Powerful lesson!

The Mystery of Christ

Colossians 26:27 Elder Arthur Harris ministers about encouraging people new in the faith. It is God’s love for mankind that compelled Him to extend his care for us to give us an eternal hope to be redeemed from the fall of man in the garden of Eden.

The Day of The LORD

Zephaniah 1 Elder James Turner gives us the sobering message that God intends each of us to live for Him and to obey Him no matter what is going on in and around the world. God loves each of us and He wants to heal our land.

Jesus Said, “I am Willing”

Matthew 8:2-3 Elder Arthur Harris leads a bible study on the attributes of Jesus and his willingness to help us in the time of need. Elder ministers that God is on our side and that He is more than the world against us. We don’t have to be afraid of anything.

God is Bigger Than Our Storms

Luke 8:22-25 Pastor Joyce Hackett gives a powerful word of encouragement about how God is bigger than any problem, situation, sickness, and any disease that we may face. Don’t worry about it, God has it all under His control.

Preparing For What May Come

Mark 1 Deaconess Allene Harris ministers this powerful lesson about how we must be prepared for whatever may come our way as christians. She gives a word of encouragement especially for times like we are experiencing today.

Trust Him

Job 13:15 Deacon Rodney Stephenson starts out his lesson with the emphatic statement from Job 13:15 – Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him. He leads us through a series of supporting scriptures encouraging all of us to trust God no matter what!