Sermons by Deacon Rodney Stephenson (Page 7)
Men’s Ministry Leader
Bible Study – September 16, 2020
Deacon Rodney Stephenson
The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Jonah 2 Deacon Rodney Stephenson uses the story of Jonah to help us to understand that we are all called to go out and preach wherever and to whomever God chooses. Don’t let all the things going on in the world take us off the focus of getting things done. God never stops, He keeps on giving us what we need to carry out His purposes in our lives.
Trust Him
Job 13:15 Deacon Rodney Stephenson starts out his lesson with the emphatic statement from Job 13:15 – Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him. He leads us through a series of supporting scriptures encouraging all of us to trust God no matter what!