Sermons from June 2020

Sermons from June 2020

Are Your Steps Ordered?

PSalm 37:23 Pastor Joyce Hackett ministers this Father’s Day message. Sometimes men do all they can to stand for God, and then the enemy comes in to distract and buffet them. Don’t give up, don’t give in, don’t give the enemy any room. You can find favor with God!

Finish the Race

Deuteronomy 2:1-3 Sis. Tracy Veniace ministers about our life journey and the things that we encounter. Sometimes we get into patterns and circumstances that could possibly detour us from our journey. It is up to you to keep going fulfill your life assignment. Do you trust God to help you to finish the race?

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Jonah 2 Deacon Rodney Stephenson uses the story of Jonah to help us to understand that we are all called to go out and preach wherever and to whomever God chooses. Don’t let all the things going on in the world take us off the focus of getting things done. God never stops, He keeps on giving us what we need to carry out His purposes in our lives.

My Testimony – I’m So Glad I made It!

ISaiah 51:11-16 Elder James Turner ministers from his testimony how God allowed him to get up off the ground from a very dark place and to get going again. God makes provision and covers us in spite of the state that we are in and empowers us to experience change for the rest of our lives.

A Word from God for Today

Romans 8:35-39 Pastor Hackett admonishes the church to be focused and to do what is required of us. When we walk upright and sober before him, the adversities and things of this world will not overcome us. Our hope is in Christ Jesus!